Monday, October 29, 2012

Cleaning and cussing!

I absolutely HATE cleaning this area of my house! It catches every dust bunny in a 50 mile radius and my vacuum won't reach. The attachment will but I'm too afraid of sucking up a cord and electrocuting myself to actually use it! So what happens is when one day I drop something and I have to go fish it out of this little awful area I have to get a rag and paper towel and bottle of cleaner and pretty much a hazmat suit to go get whatever unlucky item fell into this pit of tangled dirty mess, then I cuss and throw wires and end up having to take a bath and repent. Maybe not that bad but today I decided to fix this crap once and for all. Here you go in case you have a corner of you house that makes you cuss.
I got Velcro from work for another project and remembered I had it stuck in a craft bag. Here is what I used but you could find some at a craft store. I like these because they come in perfect cut little squares.

Get out two sets, you may need more if they are light weight Velcro but this stuff is pretty good. If you use something else like strips then just judge for yourself based on the weight of the items plugged into you extension cord.

I used chalk to mark my spots on the wall where I wanted to stick my Velcro like this:


It kinda transfers if you can tell. Then I just stick on the Velcro to the wall and the extension cord strip and press them to together.


Now talk all the loose cords and tie wrap them together.

And then I cleaned up that little corner and made sure no wires were touching the ground so I can get my vacuum right up in there every time. I'm so glad I took the time to actually DO this....finally!!

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