Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Organized Purses - yeah right!

Since I'm such a scatterbrain it's very hard for me to be organized or think organized but I have come a long way thanks to my very organized man and extreme effort on my part. My phone rang a moment ago and I grabbed it out of my purse with such accuracy it astounded me. I flashed back to almost wrecking a million times trying to find my phone in some hidden receipt filled corned of my old super large purses and I though hey I should share this awesomeness I have discovered. I have a very utility based purse now. Every thing has a spot it's small and it slings over the side of my hip perfectly. Best part is when I need to feel fashionable I throw it inside one of my big old purses and I'm immediately glamorous again. Thre Is a picture below. I have two phones. One work and one personal and they fit perfect in the long skinny zipper. So do water bottles. I got it from amazon the tag on the inside says "Magellan's"
I actually started carrying it on a bet. My Physicist said to me. "I'll give you 20.00 if you carry a functional purse for a month and I bet you never go back to that big saddle bag of yours" (my purse was not a saddle bag by the way he just thinks he's funny) I took him up on it and never returned to my "saddle bag" - lost the bet but I can pull out my phone and answer it with one hand without even taking my eyes off the road. Just a suggestion for all my big receipt filled purse friends. Also I have a long skinny envelope I keep in my purse to drop all my receipts in. When it's full I drop it in the filing cabinet at home labeled receipts - ta da ...organization for a scatterbrain!

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